Spa Policies

  • All clients must have a valid phone number, email, and card on file.

  • We ask that ALL PHONES to be turned to vibrate, silent, or off while receiving services. This is a relaxing and quiet space. We prefer you to not have a phone out. This avoids any disruption to your service, another client’s service, and any delay in service. If you must take a call, please respect other clients’ services and keep your volume low.

  • Arrive early or on time to check in for your service, fill out any necessary forms, and start relaxing. (Forms are emailed ahead of time if you wish to fill them out that way).

  • Lash clients are highly encouraged to arrive with freshly washed lashes, arrive early enough to wash lashes in our restroom with our provided clean lash bath products, or with the understanding that your active lashing time may have to be shortened due to having to deep clean before the service can begin.

  • Clients are encouraged to relax and not engage in behavior that causes a delay in services. Excessive phone use, interruptions in the service procedure, or other delays are highly discouraged as they will impede your service quality and the time allotted. Delays can potentially interfere the service of other clients. Excessive/chronic delays in services will require booking additional time for your service with an added expense to compensate the service provider for their time.

  • We ask that no extra guests attend a client’s appointment. Kids who can sit quietly and self- entertain for the entire duration of the appointment are an occasional exception. We understand that childcare is challenging but we have to focus on your service quality and the quality of other clients’ services needs to be respected.

  • We want to ensure all guests’ satisfaction with their services received at Rose Aesthetics. Please notify a team member within 24hrs if you were not satisfied with your service.

  • We strive to keep accurate records for your service quality. Part of those records may contain a health history, medications, and allergies. Please keep us of apprised of any changes as they may affect your services. All records kept are private.

  •  Right to Refuse Services: At Rose Aesthetics, we want to provide the best quality service possible. There are some situations where we may not be able to do so and it is our professional right to refuse to provide a service. Contraindications, medical/health issues, intoxication, inappropriate behavior, lack of time and products are a few examples.


These policies allow us to create an enjoyable environment for every client and team member. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Cancellation Policy

  • We understand emergencies happen. When needing to cancel we ask to be notified as soon as you can. Clients canceling with less than 24 hours notice may be charged 50% of their scheduled service total. (This decision is made by the service provider and/or management.)

  • Rescheduling with less than 24 hours' notice is considered a cancellation. Rescheduling occupies multiple income-potential slots with less actual income for the service provider. Applying the cancellation fee when someone reschedules with less than 24 hours notice will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • If a client is more than 15 minutes late for their scheduled appointment it is up to the service provider if they are able to continue with the service. Clients must be made aware they are getting their service shortened by the amount of time that they were late to avoid inconveniencing other clients.

Optional: a charge of 50% as a No Call/No Show/Late Cancellation may be applied to a late client as well. This is in the event that the client is late and the service is not able to be completed in the allotted time frame. Due to the nature of some of our services and the availability of equipment to provide services, there are instances where being late will not allow for a service to be performed.

(This will be a decision made with management before charging this fee to a late client)

Cancellation Policy